The school education system in Cambodia has many problems.
In Roeul, still about 10% of the adults are illiterate. Even 30 years
after the Red Khmer catastrophy there is still an enormous lack of teachers
and those available, rather work in the cities under better living
conditions. Since the teachers are underpaid many have side jobs and
therefore are part of the time absent. Many families are too poor to
pay for the school uniform and stationarie. Besides, often the children
have to participate in earning money, for example helping at harvesting
rice. In such occasions, they cannot visit the school.
For the about 4500 schoolable children from the 14
villages there are 9 public primary schools, however, the capacity is not
sufficient and there is a lack of teachers and facilities.
There is one secondary school in the commune, built with help of a Korean Company Bu Yúng, however only much later completed with aid from other organisations. Only since two years all 15 class rooms are ready and fully used. From privat donations 6 toilets and a new well have been built and school desks and black boards acquired. The Bu Yung school is supported by CCA/CAMDOC.
Children from villages where there is no school have
to go up to 5 km to a nearest village. To encourage these children from
poor families, bikes are urgently needed.